Friday, February 25, 2011

Assignment 8- Depth of field online

Shallow depth-

Aperture is large

Aperture is large

Also a large aperture

Great depth of field-

Very small aperture, everything is defined

Semi-small aperture, definatly not large.

Everything defined, small aperture

Assignment 6- Motion blur/Stop action online


Shutter speed is slower, probably around 1/30th of a second, maybe 1/60th depending on the speed of the ball

Shutter speed slower, maybe 1/60th or so.

Shutter speed very slow, as nothing is focused it is probably 1/20th or so

Stop action-

Shutter speed very fast, probably 1/2000th

Shutter speed extremely fast, I wouldnt be surprised if this was a 1/4000th exposure

Shutter speed pretty fast, maybe 1/1000th or 1/2000th

Assignment 10- Lines online

I liked this picture because there are many different curvy lines and it is very interesting to look at. The shadows also add a nice touch.

I loved the blurry lines in this photo, and how the person is almost perfectly focused, while nothing else is.

This photo is very pleasing to the eye. The brightness and the clouds are just right, and the line of the horizon is very interesting to look at.

This photo was cool because of the curvy lines above the straight ones.

I loved the intersecting lines in this picture, its cool to look at and see which way each line is going.

Assignment 11- Lines

This roll came out much better then the rolls before it. The contrast was just right, as i used a filter while printing. I took a picture of a stairset with a grate on it and cars with a line of poles in front of them. I felt like these were more interesting to look at. With the stairs, it was cool how the lines intersected and went different ways. With the cars, i felt like it was cool because there were alot of things going on in the parking lot. This was my favorite roll up to that point.

Assignment 9- Depth of field

I was okay with this roll. I felt like the pictures came out nice, but they werent too interesting to look at. I took a picture of a pole with the trees very detailed behind it and i took a picture of a planter with no detail behind it. I felt like the picture of the planter was interesting given its light background, but i felt like i could do more. If i could do it over again, i would take more interesting, scenic pictures. With the roll i did, i just took pictures of things in my yard.

Assignment 7- Motion blur/ stop action

I was not very happy with this roll. The two pictures i submitted were of my friend walking and a ceiling fan. I did not think they were very creative or interesting. They also came out either too dark or too light. If i could do that roll over again i would do it at an interesting venue like a sports stadium. They would be much more interesting then the ones i took.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Assignment 2

1. Scenic picture of beach ap-higher ss- depends on lighting
2. Portrait of student ap- lower ss- higher
3. Stop action of sports ap- higher ss- higher
4. Sunset ap- higher ss- higher
5. Water pictures ap- higher ss higher
6. Blurry wave picture ap- higher ss- lower
7. Motion blur portrait ap- lower ss- higher
8. Starry night ap lower ss lower
9. On a hill overlooking something ap lower ss higher
10. Animals ap higher ss higher

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Learning to think like an artist means:
Looking at things more closely than most people do
Finding beauty in everyday things and situations
Making new connections between different things and ideas
Going beyond ordinary ways of thinking and doing things
Looking at objects in different ways in order to generate new perspectives
Taking risks and exposing yourself to possible failure
Arranging items in new and imaginative ways
Working hard and at the edge of your potential
Persisting where others may give up
Concentrating your effort and attention for long periods of time
Dreaming and fantasizing
Using old ideas to create new ones
Doing something simply because it’s interesting and personally challenging to do